The complete
guide for h
back pain ($29)

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The complete
 guide for healing b
ack pain

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The Healing Back Pain Master Class is the complete recipe for healing back pain that was skipped in Dr. Sarno’s books. The course is the complete step-by-step guide for healing back pain in 30 days. 

How does this on-line video course work? 

The Healing Back Pain Master Class focuses on and resolves the 3 biggest challenges associated with back pain. We call this our the 3-Pillar Method. It’s fast. It’s easy. And it’s extremely effective.

Here are the 3 Pillars for healing back pain: 

Pillar #1: Changing Your Belief About the Pain

Changing belief refers to changing what you believe is the cause of back pain from a real structural medical problem (like herniated discs) to emotional stress, tension, and anxiety.

Changing belief is necessary because believing you have a real structural medical problem generates anxiety which only perpetuates the pain. Removing all doubt about TMS as your diagnosis is the foundation for healing.

The Master Class will change your belief about your back pain so you can relax and heal.

Pillar #2: Calming the Overactive Nervous System

With a TMS diagnosis for back pain, the source of the pain is not discs in the spine but rather tense emotions in the mind. Tense emotions put the nervous system in overdrive and that creates the pain.

To heal back pain, it’s necessary to identify the negative emotions  (both expressed and repressed) that are causing the pain. Once identified, the negative emotions must then be resolved.

The Master Class will calm your overactive nervous system so you can release the pain.

Pillar #3: Addressing the Fear of Movement with Back Pain

Back pain forces most people to reduce physical movement because of the increased pain it causes. An erroneous structural diagnosis via an MRI adds fear that movement will cause additional damage to the spine.

To heal your back pain, you’ll need to resolve the fear associated with movement and back pain. Once resolved, you’ll be able to move in all directions without pain.

With The Healing Back Pain Master Class, you’ll be able to move your body in any direction without pain.

Why do the 3-pillars work so well together?

Chronic back pain is stubborn. It will strongly resist passive healing techniques like journaling alone. Healing back pain requires a more active and comprehensive approach.

The 3-Pillar Method is the most powerful healing formula because it disrupts the long-standing subconscious habit of back pain from 3 different directions at the same time. This forces the back pain to release quickly and easily... usually in about 30 days. Problem solved!

The 3-Pillar Method is the unique mechanism for healing that you’ve been looking for. It’s a game changer.

Watch Free 3-Pillar Workshop

What clients are saying

Polina in Fort Worth 

"I did everything medical (chiropractor, shots, acupuncture and more) for almost 4 years without any improvement. A month in to the back pain course, I was cured. I can't believe how effective this was. Thank you guys so much. I'm telling everyone."

Tomas in Barcelona  

The back pain course covered a variety of topics that were really important but that my previous TMS coach never even touched on. This course is the only thing I’ve found that covers the physical rehabilitation that’s needed to heal back pain. After 3 weeks my pain level to drop to zero. That was the first time I had no pain in almost 5 years.

Cheryl in New York  

“I love Dr. Sarno’s books but I never got better. The healing back pain course was absolutely amazing. My pain was gone in just 2 weeks. I cannot thank you guys enough!”

Course Syllabus

The Healing Back Pain Master Class is the culmination of 7 years of continuous research (with real pain sufferers) finding out what works best and what doesn’t. This effort resulted in a very concise, comprehensive and fun learning program. There’s not one sentence in the course that isn’t important and necessary to heal.

Lesson #1  
 stress causes 99% of chronic back pain! The 3-Pillar Method for healing explained. The pain disruption principle.

Lesson #2  John’s back pain recovery story. Anatomy of the spine. Tension Myositis Syndrome/Dr. Sarno. The Autonomic Nervous System. The physiology of back pain.

Lesson #3  Changing belief: removing all doubt about the mind-body connection to back pain. Clinical studies. MRI’s. Epidural shots. Pain management mafia. Nocebos. Committing to your new diagnosis.

Lesson #4  Reduce emotional tension. Identify and resolve emotional life stressors, repressed anger and emotional inflammation. Calm your overactive nervous system, fight or flight and chronic back pain.

Lesson #5  How back pain creates more stress, anxiety, and fear. How back pain affects your career, relationships, finance, life. How to resolve the stress, anxiety and fear associated with back pain.

Lesson #6  Addressing the fear associated with physical movement and pain. Working through the pain cycle. How President John F. Kennedy used physicality to heal his back pain.

Lesson #7  Muscle pliability is the game changer. How to release your pain directly from your muscle tissue. 4 best soft tissue modalities for chronic back pain. Tom Brady. Longevity and muscle pliability.

Lesson #8  Stretching and rolling demonstrations for chronic back pain by the coaches Laura and John. Learn the fastest techniques for releasing the pain.

Lesson #9  Pulling it all together: course summary. The Action Plan. Applying the Pain Disruption Principle. Best journaling practices. Healing your back pain in 30 days. Paying it forward.

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Meet Your Instructors 

Laura Thornton 

Laura started suffering from chronic pain symptoms starting at just 15 years old. While doctors were telling her that she had multiple medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, she was able to correlate her symptoms to her stress level. She suffered from a variety of pain and digestive issues including back pain (on and off) until mid-life. It wasn’t until she discovered the mind-body connection to pain her health started to improve - dramatically. She’s been pain free for many years and living large, helping others to do the same.

John Thornton 

John suffered from excruciating back pain for many years. He had been in the medical technology field but was forced to stop working because the pain was disabling. After sitting on the couch for several years, he discovered the mind-body connection and that’s when things changed. John read Dr. Sarno’s book: Healing Back Pain and knew he was on to something. He got coaching from one of Doctor Sarno’s colleagues and has been back pain free since 2016. He has made it his mission to help others. 

We've been where you are now
and we can show you the way out.

Meet Your Instructors 

Laura Thornton 

Laura started suffering from chronic pain symptoms starting at just 15 years old. While doctors were telling her that she had multiple medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, she was able to correlate her symptoms to her stress level. She suffered from a variety of pain and digestive issues including back pain (on and off) until mid-life. It wasn’t until she discovered the mind-body connection to pain her health started to improve - dramatically. She’s been pain free for many years and living large, helping others to do the same.

John Thornton 

John suffered from excruciating back pain for many years. He had been in the medical technology field but was forced to stop working because the pain was disabling. After sitting on the couch for several years, he discovered the mind-body connection and that’s when things changed. John read Dr. Sarno’s book: Healing Back Pain and knew he was on to something. He got coaching from one of Doctor Sarno’s colleagues and has been back pain free since 2016. He has made it his mission to help others. 

We've been where you are now and we can
show you the way out.

3 Simple Steps to Heal Your Back Pain: 

Step #1: Hope makes a comeback

As you purchase and start watching the course, you’ll begin to see the clear pathway out and now you’ll know how to get there. You’ll start to have hope again.

You'll start thinking: "I can do this!"

Step #2: Build your momentum

While you’re absorbing the course material, you’ll begin to notice your pain level dropping. You’ll start to feel incremental improvement. You’ll start to believe.

You'll start creating momentum.

Step #3: Celebrate your freedom

As the pain decreases, your confidence in this process will grow. Pretty soon, before you know it, the pain will drop to zero. You’ll finally be pain free and you’ll no longer fear the pain.

Now it's time to celebrate!

Watch Free 3-Step Workshop

Allan from New Hampshire 

"After completing The Pain Cure Clinic video course, I don't have pain anymore and I don't have any fear of pain. That's probably the biggest thing. In the past, I would shy away from doing things like yard work and lifting weights. I'm not afraid to do anything anymore."


Juliet from California

"A doctor told me: you're never going to be able to pick up your son. I could cry right now at just the thought of it. But now I go the park with my son all the time and I pick him up every day...because of the PCC course."


Dennis from Texas

"My TMS symptoms started 17 years ago. After 2 weeks doing the PCC program, I was out of pain. Within a month, chronic pain became and afterthought. After 17 years of going to the chiropractor every week - no more pain!"

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You don’t need a doctor. You don’t need therapy. You don’t even need coaching. All you need is the Healing Back Pain Master Class. 

Information offered by the Pain Cure Clinic is not intended as medical advice or professional psychotherapy.
This is practical knowledge based on experience about how to alternately eliminate chronic pain symptoms caused by psychological factors. Medical or mental health questions or diagnosis  should be directed to your physician or psychologist. The Pain Cure Clinic is not endorsed by or affiliated with Dr. John Sarno. Individual results will vary.